Saturday, June 12, 2010

Introductions =)

I'm so confused now . I don't know what I want to write in this blog . lol It's my 3rd blog... lol My 1st blog can't to open 'coz I forgot the password... wkawkaka.. My 2nd blog can to open , but I don't like with the blog... I don't know why.. wkakaka...

Ok... Now, I want to introduce myself.. My name is Katarina Winni Stefani . Just call me Winni , my middle name ^^ . I'm 13 y.o on September in this year... haha..I <3 photo I <3 music I <3 food I <3 chocolate I <3 unique n funny stuffs I <3 Ice Cream, etc... So many things I love , so I can't to tell one by one... lol

I am a lazy , humorist , childist *Not too much I childist , depent on the situation... lol* , sweet , happy , etc girl... hahah...

My hobby is watching clouds , watching film , eating , chatting online , singing , acting , taking some photos with my camera or cellphone , n listening to music <3

Watching clouds?? Why I love it?? Some people hold it is so boring . But, according to me... It's so funny n excited... =) I love it 'coz when I watching clouds.. I can think about someyone or something n I smile n laughing at the moment like crazy people... lol

Taking photo?? Oh!!! Of course, I like it... wkwkwk... In Indonesia person like me is called narsis... LMAO... ;) But, it's so fun... I can take photo n upload to facebook,myspace, or in this blog... wkwkwkwk... =D

It's my pictures with my friends... wkwkwkwk... =)

I can add one photo only , coz I haven't upload all... =(

This is photo when I watched clouds in Puncak... wkwkwk..

It's my introductions... CUNT *Cee U Next Time* =)

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