Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kawaii Couple =)

gw ge demen bgt amet kawaii couple yg imut" n cute" gtu... ^^
ntah np gw demen, pkk'a pas gw liat'a tuh pgn bgt kea gtu... LOL
liat nii gmbar'a... u smw jg pxt pd demen dech... haha

Monday, June 14, 2010


Hola... lol
Ntah np gw pgn ng'post bgnian... wkwkk... dr nma'a pxt pd tw lha.. Yupz! gw mw crt ttg fashion" share ttg fashion gtu... ciakakak~~ XD
kli nii ng'post fashion'a ttg dress for women aja ia... =)

I <3 green... gw ska ama wrna it, krn wrna'a tuh membwa damai gtu.. *cieilah* wkwkk...
gw cii lbx ska little dress d bndingin dress" yg bkin ribet... ckckck..
Nii gmbr" little dress... =)

Nah, it little" dress'a...
1 lg... gw ska ama lolyta... wlaupn gx trllu ska tp mnrt gw, lolyta ntuh lucu... wkwkwk....
Nii gmbar'a.... =)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Monokuro Boo Stuffs

Ini adlh hobi gw yg 1 ge... Yupzz!!! Kumpulin brang" serba monokuro boo... wkkwkw... liat nii =)

Mug n Tempat Makanan :

It's my fave... lol

Cincin , Kalung , n Anting :

Gantungan HP :

Tas :

Tambahan aja...

Finished!!!! That's all stuffs of MONOKURO BOO... <3 it... lol

Introductions =)

I'm so confused now . I don't know what I want to write in this blog . lol It's my 3rd blog... lol My 1st blog can't to open 'coz I forgot the password... wkawkaka.. My 2nd blog can to open , but I don't like with the blog... I don't know why.. wkakaka...

Ok... Now, I want to introduce myself.. My name is Katarina Winni Stefani . Just call me Winni , my middle name ^^ . I'm 13 y.o on September in this year... haha..I <3 photo I <3 music I <3 food I <3 chocolate I <3 unique n funny stuffs I <3 Ice Cream, etc... So many things I love , so I can't to tell one by one... lol

I am a lazy , humorist , childist *Not too much I childist , depent on the situation... lol* , sweet , happy , etc girl... hahah...

My hobby is watching clouds , watching film , eating , chatting online , singing , acting , taking some photos with my camera or cellphone , n listening to music <3

Watching clouds?? Why I love it?? Some people hold it is so boring . But, according to me... It's so funny n excited... =) I love it 'coz when I watching clouds.. I can think about someyone or something n I smile n laughing at the moment like crazy people... lol

Taking photo?? Oh!!! Of course, I like it... wkwkwk... In Indonesia person like me is called narsis... LMAO... ;) But, it's so fun... I can take photo n upload to facebook,myspace, or in this blog... wkwkwkwk... =D

It's my pictures with my friends... wkwkwkwk... =)

I can add one photo only , coz I haven't upload all... =(

This is photo when I watched clouds in Puncak... wkwkwk..

It's my introductions... CUNT *Cee U Next Time* =)